Biochar: Just Wow! And it is All But Free
There are many warnings out there today. Keith St. John of Canadian Permaculture Legacy (YouTube) says we have only 55 years of topsoil remaining. High carbon levels in the air are causing disasters. But charcoal greatly accelerates what sunlight, water, and plants can do to build the soil and clean the air--to a wake up and pay attention degree! Perhaps you are aware of charcoal being used in cleaning up oil spills and post-hurricane cleanup. But do you know the amazing effect it can have on your garden, both in the short and long term? It can amend your soil as follows for 1,000 to 2,000 years! Forest fires, within reason, have been considered beneficial in the long run. Carbon is stabilized into the soil. Biochar harbors microbial life necessary for healthy plant growth in the same way coral does, in microscopic pathways for the absorption of water (it holds a lot!) and nutrients. Its water holding properties make it useful in sandy soil, preventing the draining away of nutrien...