
Showing posts from February, 2021

Naturally Healing Your Plants With Homeopathy

by Debbie Brown Homeopathy does not mean "home remedies", but homeo - "same" pathos - "suffering." A homeopathic remedy will cure the same symptoms that a large or repeated dose of the crude substance it is made from will cause. I was taught this wonderful healing discipline by the late Dr. Todd Schlapfer, a kind, sensitive, and intuitive man. He gave me health. I could go on about how the remedies have helped me and my family, but I'm here to talk about healing plants.  It is amazing that the same remedy that helps a person with an injury will also help an injured plant. Arnica Montana is an herb, and if you were to ingest a goodly amount of it, you might start to feel bruised, sore and have other symptoms of injury. Using like cures like , the principle of homeopathy, taking homeopathically potentized Arnica will treat an actual injury. It is great (in persons and animals) for bleeding, bruising, swelling, and even infection or other effects from  in